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Naples, Italy

Day Three & Four & Fifth

Yes, still in Italy! It’s been a whirlwind, our group from Canada arrived on the 7th of July, tired hot and hungry. International flights can do that to you. Once the group arrived, we walked thru FCO and proceeded to the coach to place the luggage into the Coach luggage department. This turned out to be more than we could have imagined, typically a 55-seat coach for 47 passengers is more than enough for both travelers and luggage. I am guessing the driver was a bit overwhelmed by the armoires standing before him. Placing the luggage pieces one by one it was like a game of Tetris. We managed, not well but we managed. Once on board the coach the air condition kicked in and we were on our way to start 15 days of exploring beautiful Italy.

First stop, Naples. It’s incredible to watch Davide, our Coach driver maneuver his 55- seater coach thru the winding and narrow streets of Naples. Drivers in cars, on mopeds, bicycles and pedestrians take to the roads with vigor!

We enjoyed a guided walking tour, taking in the panoramic views, soaking up the sun making our way to our sit-down lunch. Lunch was served family style and included: Pennette alla sorrentina, Arista di maiale, Patate arroso finishing up with desert one of my favourites, Tiramisu. It as a lovely day with just the right of activities and much needed rest out of the hot Summer sun.

Today, the group will travel to Sorrento to explore the streets, shop, eat, drink where they will make their way to the Teatro where the dancers will begin their Master dance class, learning the world renowned, Tarantella. Afterwards, we will be entertainment by a professional show of dancers representing their region performing the traditional Tarantella.

Ciao from Italy

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