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Dancers remove meat from diets?

Top Foods for Dancers Looking to Remove Meat from Their Diet

1ST JUNE 2017

It goes without saying that in order to have success as a dancer, nutrition is an integral part of your routine that matters just as much as any other aspect of training. The agility, grace and balance of those at the top of the industry has been forged not just through hours of practice, but also in the kitchen which provides the fuel the body needs for peak performance.

We’ve previously looked at some dietary options to cut back on fat whilst gaining lean muscle, and there’s multiple routes to achieving the same goal. An option that is proving increasingly popular with both dancers and with athletes from around the world, is the complete removal of meat from one’s diet. This might initially sound like a crazy decision given the quantity of protein meat provides us with, but there are actually plenty of alternatives to aid your transition and sculpt your body the way you want it.


If you’ve ever browsed the chilled cabinets or freezer aisles in your local supermarket, you may have spotted packs of Quorn, waiting patiently for their devoted customers. Whilst many people have never given Quorn a chance, in actual fact, it is a very versatile product that can be used in even the simplest of dishes.

It’s a product that is available in beef, ham, chicken, sausage and burger formats, so you can still cook all your favourite meals, using Quorn as a meat replacement. Most people agree that whilst there is a noticeable difference, the taste and texture of Quorn is surprisingly similar to meat.

Quorn is an excellent source of lean protein and it’s also low in calories and low in saturated fats. With such healthy credentials, you can even serve yourself an extra helping from time to time!

Green Vegetables

As many cartoons have impressed upon us, spinach in particular is brilliant for bolstering your strength and overall health. Along with other green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach is often underappreciated as a super source of protein. Most people are aware that fresh, green vegetables are packed with vitamins, but fewer realise that they can provide much-needed protein to a vegetarian diet, regardless of whether or not you are looking to gain muscle.

Spinach is very definitely king amongst vegetables, when it comes to protein, and it contains a very dense level of nutrients per serving. It’s also an excellent source of iron, and it’s very low in calories, too. From asparagus to lentils, virtually all vegetables provide excellent levels of vitamins and minerals, and they have little to no health or fitness drawbacks.


So long as you’re not allergic to nuts, they can be a great source of protein, and they have the benefit of being incredibly convenient too. You can add them to many dishes, or simply snack on them whilst you’re out and about. Nuts can be considered to be a superfood on par with a small banana, so experiment with them, to find out how they can work in your own diet.

You do have to watch the salt content for some types of nuts, but pistachios are one of those that possess immense benefits when consumed in moderation. Research suggests that pistachios play a part in reducing cholesterol too, so by eating them regularly, you’ll receive all of the protein that would normally have come from meat, but without the potentially negative effects of high meat consumption.

Whilst there may be an initial shock to your system upon cutting out a staple part of your diet, the void is actually pretty easy to fill. Indeed without meat, you’re going to need take on board larger quantities of these and other alternatives, so you won’t need to hold back on portion sizes. Everyone’s body will react differently however First Position recomend consulting with a nutritionist or other professional that can offer you some expert guidance. Your peers in the dance world may also be able to offer support as well, there are more vegetarians out there than you might think!

In addition to diet, training is a huge part of becoming the best dancer you can be which involves long rehearsal sessions. To ease the stress of these training periods First Position stock a wide collection of leotards and shoes from a range of top selling brands include Bloch, Capezio, 1st Position and many more.

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