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Is your dancer eating enough?

Hey Dance lover!

How do you feel about your health? How do you feel about your health as a dancer? I grew up among athletes and as a dancer who had the great fortune of training under a professional training program which involved endless hours of daily classes, rehearsals and conditioning. To keep our body image, we just didn’t eat! I do not recommend this as a healthy way to maintain aesthetic goals nor is it a healthy way to fuel an actively physical body and mind!

I feel that It is very important that dancers of all ages understand that their diet should aim, above all to give them health and efficiency. A daily diet that is not much different from any other person. A daily diet that helps to fuel the body with nutrients and balance. Finding BALANCE in your daily food intake is essential. Providing enough to fuel you thru your daily routine of dance, choreography and performances.

As a travelling guest artist, I have had the pleasure of visiting numerous dance studios across Country. I easily observed the snacks and refreshments that the students were using to fuel their bodies. I could see that the dancers were reaching high levels of energy with quick crashes, likely due to the amount of sugars they were ingesting thru their snacks and refreshments.

It is no secret that the majority of nutritionist agree that splitting your meals and snacks in to 5 to 6 feeding times per day. Eating every 2 to 3 hours especially if you are having a busy day with extra rehearsals.

Healthy food and proportions that are made up of proteins, healthy carbs and fats, fruits and vegetables. Carry healthy snacks with you to refuel your body and prevent it from reaching those highs and lows which affect your metabolic rhythm. And don’t forget about water, drink plenty daily!

I love talking about food and a dancer’s diet!

Whether you are a dancer, past dancer or dance enthusiast, I would love to hear from you! What are your thoughts on nutrition and fueling a healthy body……?

Have a healthy week!

Dancingly yours, Miss Kim ❤

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